Agreement on Coordination of Tax Administration

Agreement on Coordination of Tax Administration: A Step Towards More Efficient Tax Collection

Tax collection is an essential part of any government`s revenue generation strategy. However, in many cases, tax collection systems are inefficient, leading to revenue leakages and unfair taxation. The Agreement on Coordination of Tax Administration (ACTA) aims to address these issues by promoting cooperation and coordination among tax authorities of different countries.

What is the Agreement on Coordination of Tax Administration?

The ACTA is an international agreement signed by several countries with the aim of improving tax administration and reducing tax evasion. It was first proposed by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in 2002 and has since been adopted by several countries worldwide.

The agreement aims to promote the exchange of information between tax authorities of different countries. This includes information related to taxpayers, such as income, assets, and tax liabilities. The ACTA also provides a legal framework for cooperation among tax authorities, facilitating mutual assistance and collaboration in tax audits, assessments, and collections.

Why is the ACTA important?

The ACTA is important for several reasons. Firstly, it allows tax authorities to access information that may not be available within their own jurisdiction. This helps to identify tax evaders and reduce revenue leakages. Secondly, the agreement promotes transparency and fairness in tax administration, ensuring that taxpayers are not unfairly targeted by tax authorities.

The ACTA also provides a framework for the resolution of cross-border tax disputes, reducing the risk of double taxation and ensuring that taxpayers are not penalized for complying with tax laws in different countries.

How does the ACTA work?

Under the ACTA, tax authorities are required to exchange information on request, subject to certain conditions. These conditions include ensuring that the information is relevant to the administration or enforcement of tax laws and that it is not disclosed to unauthorized persons.

The agreement also provides for automatic exchange of information in certain cases, such as where tax authorities have agreed to do so. This helps to reduce the burden on taxpayers and tax authorities and increases the efficiency of tax administration.


The Agreement on Coordination of Tax Administration is an important step towards improving tax administration and reducing tax evasion. By promoting cooperation and coordination among tax authorities of different countries, the ACTA helps to ensure that taxpayers are treated fairly and that revenue leakages are minimized.

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